Speaker: Brother JW, tell us how Jehovah has proven to be an unexpected source of help to you in your time of need.
Brother JW: Well Br. Speaker it was back in 2016. The family and I were driving on the way back from [such and such place] and we suddenly had a mechanical problem and ended up in an accident.
Speaker: Wow! What a predicament to find yourselves in. What did you do?
Brother JW: Well we immediately said a quick prayer to Jehovah and no sooner had we finnished praying and this car pulled up to the side of us and an individual came out to offer assistance. What was particularly remarkable was that this individual is someone who had made himself an enemy of Jehovah's people by abandoning the truth.
Speaker: You mean an apostate? Jehovah answered your prayer with an apostate?
Brother JW: That's right Br. Speaker, Jehovah actually used an apostate to offer us help in our time of need. This has really helped me appreciate even more the rich meaning behind the name of our God - "He Causes to Become." He can even cause your enemies to become a source of help to you in a time of trial. It reminded me too of the scripture at Proverbs 16:7 which says:
When Jehovah is pleased with a man’s ways, He causes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Br. Speaker, my family and I certainly believe we have experienced the truthfulness of this scripture.
[Rapturous applause from audience]
Hey, it could happen. It really could! It could happen because of how deluded JWs are and because of the fact that the bible is a big book filled with diverse cherries to pick from. There is a cherry in there to rationalize just about every position imaginable.